Looking to advertise your firm or display site safety information on site? Corrugated construction signs are ideal for creating awareness of a firm and displaying safety information on a construction site. Corrugated is often the choice material used for construction signs because it is light in weight, durable against weather conditions, cost-effective, and easily recycled or reused. Most construction signs are made with 6mm Corrugated, but 10mm Corrugated can also be used.
Typical dimensions for corrugated construction signs include: 4 x 4 feet, 4 x 8 feet, 8 x 4 feet and 8 x 8 feet.
Construction signs are often used to display safety protocols and instructions on site. It is common for construction signs to include detailed diagrams, graphics and instructions along with logos and branding for the firm. If you require graphic design services, Simple Sign has skilled designers that can help your construction signs meet code.

All-Inclusive Construction Sign Packages
Our Pricing includes: Sign design, Printing, 3-day sign installation* and Optional Free Sign Removal
*3-Day installation upon client design approval
Fast, Hassle Free, Reliable and Recyclable Corrugated Signs
The Simple Sign Advantage
Trusted by the Top Brokerages in Vancouver BC