To rezoning a property in the City of Vaughan it must comply with the Official Plan and zoning by-law amendments and site plan approval. All planning decisions by the Council of Ontario must be consistent with or conform to the Provincial Policy Statement, Places to Grow Act and area specific plans, the Greenbelt Act and Plan and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan where applicable.
Application for rezoning in Vaughan is a multi-step process. We’ve listed the steps you need to take to get your project going, and explain how and when Simple Sign can help facilitate this process for you.

How to Apply for a Rezoning Permit in Vaughan
Step 1: Attend a Pre-Rezoning Application Consultation
A pre-application consultation is required with the Development Planning Department to determine the the required information necessary to submit a successful Zoning By-law Amendment Application.
There is only one Zoning By-law for the City of Vaughan, called the Zoning By-law 1-88, which regulates the matters regarding the use of land, location, height, size, floor area, parking, spacing of buildings, and others development standards and applications.
Step 2: Submit Rezoning Application
After completing and submitting the Zoning By-law Amendment Application, a fee must be payed before a planner assigned to your application sends you a letter of acknowledgement, and additional requirements necessary for an approval of the application. In addition, the City will send a “Notice of Complete Application” within 30 days to the application if all requirements are satisfied. In the case that documents or other requirements are not satisfied, a “Notice of Incomplete Application” will be sent, and further processing of the application will not commence until the application requirements are fully satisfied.
Step 3: Attend Public Hearing
Once you have received approval for your application, a public hearing will be scheduled, and all landowners within a minimum of 150 meters of the subject property and a minimum of 20 days before the Public Hearing will be notified. A brief presentation must be given by the applicant or associate, and respond to any questions or concerns from the public or Vaughan Council.
Step 4: Install Rezoning Signage
A notification sign must be installed on the property within 14 days of submitting the application and removed within seven days of Vaughan Council having dealt with the application.
At this point, the City will request for the applicant to install one or more rezoning application signs on their property that notifies other landowners and community members of your plans, and that an application has been submitted.
The City will send the applicant a letter to outline how many signs are required and also the exact text which should be included on the rezoning application sign(s). This process often means dealing with the hassles approval, dealing with sign shops and the annoyance of building frames to display your signs properly.
The team at Simple Sign can use this letter from the city planner to create the graphic design for the sign and install the rezoning application sign quickly and at a competitive price point.
Simple Sign is also able to proof any rezoning sign information to ensure it meets requirements and submit sign information directly to the City for approval.
We guarantee the installation of rezoning signs within 3 business days, removing the burden of handling signage design and installation from your busy schedule.

Step 5: City’s Review of the Application and Hearing
After the public hearing, the application is reassessed and receives comments and conditions from circulated parties. A report will then be sent to the Vaughan Council for approval by the Development Planning Department and is either approved or refused. If approved, a “Notice of Decision” is sent out to landowners within 150 meters of the proposed development to give them an opportunity to appeal the decision. If refused, the applicant may appeal the decision with the Ontario Municipal Board.
Step 6: Issuance of Rezoning Permit and Development Application
Following the approval of your Rezoning Application, you are eligible to apply for a development permit. Check out Simple Sign’s Guide on Applying for a Development Permit in Vaughan to learn more about proceeding with your project.
If the application is refused, the applicant can appeal the application to the Ontario Municipal Board. If no appeals are received after notifications of the decisions were sent, the Official Plan or Zoning By-law Amendment will come into effect.
When it’s time for the switch to a property development sign, removal service is always included in Simple Sign’s all-inclusive sign package for locally installed signs. Instead of your sign ending up in a landfill, we will recycle and reuse all sign materials.